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Achieving Excellence

A Vision for a Thriving Miami-Dade

Florida radiates as a symbol of freedom, with Miami-Dade County capturing global admiration. However, amidst our splendor, there lurks a shadow cast by misguided leadership, flawed policies, and social justice initiatives that threaten to dim our brilliance. We risk following the same path as once-great cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York, if we do not heed the warning signs.


Residents deserve better than to be ensnared in the web of governmental handouts. Instead, let's cultivate an environment where independence, liberty, and growth flourish. Embrace Shlomo's vision for a safer, more prosperous Miami-Dade, where we break free from the shackles of dependency and pave our path to greatness.

Protect residents and business owners against rising inflation rates.

Effectively combat crime by ending the County's revolving door policy.

Improve infrastructure to effectively accommodate recent population growth.

Fight to protect homeowners from crippling insurance rates.

Ensure our police have the resources needed to protect our community.

Enhance traffic flow and transportation solutions across the County.

Cut wasteful Government  spending by eliminating pay-to-play practices.

Prioritize resident safety and develop effective homelessness solutions.

Collaborate with local leaders to effectively address individual needs.

Lower taxes while improving constituent services for residents. 

Protect places of worship to ensure the safety of religious communities.

Safeguard Miami-Dade from detrimental political and social agendas.


Join Shlomo in his mission to build a safe and prosperous Miami-Dade County!

Help this important cause by making an online donation today.

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